One thing we learn in crisis is that is important to be clever, creative, and compassionate. As a small business, we feel deeply the pains of our fellow small business friends and partners that rely on people gathering to make a living. We believe in you, your products, your events, your family and your ability to rise.
We introduce to you “Corona Rising”. The Phoenix in Egyptian mythology is associated with the sun. It’s scarlet and gold plumage flashed brightly, reminiscent to solar flares. The grand bird is said to live for several hundred years. As the phoenix came to the end of it’s days it built a glorious nest of spices and aromatic boughs and set it on fire; being consumed by the flames. From those ashes a new phoenix rose giving us the symbol that we are familiar with – a magnificent bird, wings spread rising above the flames. A symbol of regeneration, strength and renewal. We will not fade into the ashes and blow away with the wind; we will rise again.
The pendant is available on our e-commerce page in both a pin and a necklace and is made of hand-cast, lead-free pewter. It measures 1 3/4”. This design can be modified for your business.
Now for the compassion part. We are offering free shipping to everyone who purchases individual pieces from our webpage. AND a portion of every Phoenix sold will be donated to “Meals on Wheels”; as more people are diagnosed – their ability to get meals delivered to their homes becomes critical.